Here are some additional statistics:
- Adults age 18-34 are less likely to wear seat belts than adults age 35 or older. (CDC, 2010, unpublished data)
- Men are 10% less likely to wear seat belts than women. (CDC, 2010, unpublished data)
- Adults who live in rural areas are 10% less likely to wear seat belts (78% use) than adults who live in urban and suburban areas (87% use). (CDC, 2010, unpublished data)
- Seat belt use is lower in states with secondary enforcement seat belt laws or no seat belt laws (80%) compared to states with primary enforcement laws (89%)
In Florida, only 87% of all drivers and front passengers wear seatbelts.
More than ever, with the growing number of auto owners affected by the Takata airbag recall, it's critical that everyone in the car buckle up - and that children are in the proper carseats or booster seats depending on their age.
For more information on your safety and rights after a car accident or injury from an airbag, seatbelt, or other defective product, call the Brandon injury lawyers at Kravitz Law Group at 813-626-1234.